A marine expedition is a thrilling endeavor, necessitating meticulous planning and careful provisioning to secure a smooth journey. This detailed checklist is designed to equip you with all the essentials for a successful boating adventure.
Safety Gear:
- Life jackets for everyone on board, in the correct sizes
- Fully charged fire extinguisher
- First-aid kit
- Whistle or horn
- VHF radio
- Flares or signaling devices
- Tool kit for minor repairs
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Throwable flotation device
- Reboarding Ladder
- Doc Line
- Fenders/bumpers
- Motion sickness meds
- Phone charger
Navigation and Communication
- KnowWake App
- Map or GPS device
- Fully charged cell phone
- Cell phone charger
- Marine radio
- Compass
- Check weather forecast and monitor conditions
Comfort and Supplies
- Sufficient food and drinks
- Cooler with ice
- Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses
- Towels and swimsuits
- Waterproof bag for valuables
- Entertainment items like fishing gear, snorkeling equipment, or a good book
- Inflatable ball for kids to play with
- Umbrella or sunshade
- Trash bags
- Portable charger/power bank
- Paper towels/rags
- Lots of drinkable water
- Bug spray
- Blankets
- Hair ties
- Music and speaker
- Dry clothes
With this list in hand, you are ready for your adventure upon the waves!
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